Media Inspiration


Watch my TV episodes

I'm so excited to be a guest on Drlashonda Jackson-Dean's show, Just So You Know, which aired in 4 parts.

We discuss the importance of inspiration, global affairs - my time as a diplomat, healing journeys, Ukraine, trauma as a lens for understanding global politics, the violence in the world and how it plays out inside of us, and environmental racism!

It is something you won't want to miss. And there will be more episodes!


Episode 1: Who is Catalyzing Inspiration?

This episodes speaks to why inspiration and love is so important in the learning and healing journey?

Here is a link to the full episode: Episode 1

Featured Articles in Publications


Episode 2

This mini-clip showcases my work transitioning from a former #diplomat and conflict expert to examining the minefield of injustice and violence we experience in our world everyday. A war zone doesn't just exist in far off lands. The art of transformational life coaching and reducing anxiety begins with seeing the conflict within ourselves. When we are divorced from our #integrity, resentment and in turn, inner violence breeds inside of us. We become our own #innerminefields. This is when life gets a bit messier and begins the path to types of #burnout.

Here is a link to the full episode:


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